Get Involved

Why not volunteer at Lighthouse as a fundraiser and help to raise money for an excellent cause. Promote our charity and share the great work that Lighthouse does with your friends and family. Invite them to support our work with children either by raising awareness of our charity, organising a fundraising event, give a kind one-off donation or make a regular contribution. 
Follow us on Facebook and share our great work. 

Need some inspiration? Take a look at what some of our regular volunteers are getting up to!

Take a collection tin

“Lighthouse would not work without the support from our amazing volunteers.  Local businesses have helped to raise invaluable funds with our collection tins. Using our collection tins is an easy and effective way to collect small change which all adds up to big differences.  Currently we have collection tins in many local businesses including Fulford Fish & Chip Shop, Croque-Monsieur Coffee Shop, Hair City and the Drawing Board Cafe in York”
Noel O'Reilly, Lighthouse CEO, 2017

Arrange a charity car boot sale

“Giving up just a few Sundays I have helped to raise over £300 for Lighthouse.”
Michael Benson, Lighthouse Volunteer, 
Charity Car Boot Sale, 2017

Arrange a sponsored event

“I ran the York marathon and raised over £200 for Lighthouse Children's Home.  It was a gruelling experience but very rewarding knowing that my efforts had helped to raise funds for very vulnerable children.”
Steve Bolton, Lighthouse Volunteer

Arrange a local raffle 

“I organised a raffle, I asked local companies if they could donate any prizes and I sold raffle tickets in our local pubs and to friends and family. My raffle helped to raise over £200 which will pay for 800 bricks for the new Lighthouse Children's Home in Awasi.”
John Paige, Lighthouse Volunteer

Arrange a school event

“We raised money at school by selling crafts and cakes that the children had made themselves. We also gathered donations by organising a non-uniform day for the pupils. Such a great experience for our children to help those less fortunate and learn more about children in third-world conditions. The children asked some very insightful questions and we successfully raised over £200!"
Suzy O'Reilly, Lighthouse Volunteer

Arrange a static tin collection

“I approached our local Aldi supermarket and arranged to collect money using a collection tin outside their store. This proved to be a very successful fundraiser and I got to meet and talk to some lovely people about the great work that Lighthouse does.”
Irene Ndiema, Lighthouse Volunteer
If you are stuck for fundraising ideas or would like any support on this matter, please get in touch via our contact page – we’d love to hear from you. We can provide some promotional materials and presentations.   

In the future, once we have raised the necessary funds to complete the build of the Lighthouse Children's Home we will also be looking for volunteers to come and help us with the physical work in Awasi. 

If interested in volunteering with us in Kenya, please contact us for upcoming opportunities.  We have previously had a volunteer from USA, Erin Anders, who helped with the groundwork preparation and tree planting.  

Share with us any ideas on how you would like to support our work.  We are open to suggestions and your idea may just be what we have been looking for. 

You can share your ideas through our Facebook page, or our contact page on our website.
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